November 22, 2010

@whatKellythinks about #Twitter

The AB&C Twitter Team

The AB&C Twitter team recently went to the #deltweet event at Firestone, a quarterly (ideally) networking event for Delaware tweeters. Nine of our tweeters attended the event, one of whom attended virtually via tweets, following the team and the deltweet hashtag. We kept @ChrisMarts updated and entertained while he lay sick in bed. “Oh @ABCadvertising twitter team, I feel like I am there (#deltweet) reading all your tweets,” he replied. Sure, we wished he were there — “hey @ChrisMarts The tweet team will miss you at #deltweet” — but it was nice to be able to include him via the channel that brought us all together.

There was a pretty good showing — 81 on the RSVP list — and everyone’s name tag included their Twitter handle. People came for many reasons: to grab a beer, to meet the tweeters that they follow in person, to win something (@BessDenney and @cdberta won!), to meet people with similar interests, or to do some good old-fashioned networking. While @heycraigbrown jokingly tweeted, “#deltweet is this real life?” the team’s friends and family didn’t quite understand what a tweetup is. But a tweetup is just like any other networking event — it’s a way to bring a community of people that have similar interests or professions together. And Twitter is just another catalyst — and you can make what you want of it.