Show your True Colors: Diversity for the Win.

shutterstock_303148076The term “diversity” is popping up more and more in in the news and within our organizations. Why? Diversity is great for business—it’s a key driver of innovation, and it’s crucial for companies that want to attract top talent. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is no longer just “training” that your employer requires you to complete—it’s a crucial factor in the culture of successful organizations. Read this case history about how Sodexo used D&I to improve employee engagement and foster creativity.

Have you ever wondered how D&I affects your brand?

Your brand is the promise you make to your clients and consumers about who you are as a company. Your brand image reflects your positive beliefs and values as an organization. Your brand not only illustrates who you are to the outside world, it also works within your organization to define and develop your culture. To be effective, it has to be authentic and consistent in your workplace and in the marketplace. “Simply stated, when the D&I brand celebrates diversity both internally and externally, customers will want to buy from you and employees will want to work for you,” says Marjorie Derven, founder of Hudson Research & Consulting.

This year was a great year for diversity in advertising. Products such as Cheerios (General Mills) and Honey Maid (Nabisco) celebrated diversity and inclusion. Here are a few of my favorites.

Cheerios developed a commercial featuring a biracial family.

Honey Maid also created a commercial highlighting all different types of families this year.

These companies were early adopters of D&I, altering their products, services and brand image to address their customers’ changing tastes and preferences. Their trailblazing gained the support and respect of new customers who share their values.

How are you showing your customers and clients that you value them for who they are? Are you including modern families in your promotional materials? Are you seeking their input into your messaging and product development? If not, you may be missing out on an opportunity to show the true value you provide.

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