April 9, 2020

A Brand Promise Isn’t Just for the Good Times: Living Your Brand Promise While Facing a Crisis

Healthcare organizations have become pretty marketing savvy over the past several years. They tend to excel in having a strong brand promise, backed up by people-focused missions, visions and values. People entering the industry—especially those in direct clinical care roles—tend to be extremely mission-driven. They want to help and serve others. And that’s what they do every day.

During a Crisis, We May Lose Focus

During times of crisis, unfortunately, it can be easy for individuals, teams and even organizations to lose sight of their brand promise—or even forsake it altogether. Let’s be honest. During a crisis, very few healthcare organizations are thinking much about their marketing efforts.

But they should be. Just because we’re in a crisis situation doesn’t mean you can abandon your brand promise. That’s not just a marketing mandate. It’s a patient care mandate.

Helping Staff Live the Brand Promise

Your staff needs to be reminded of your brand promise and their role in fulfilling it—especially those on the front lines, as they harbor concerns for the health and safety of their families, and themselves.

Healthcare leaders can play a critical role. Here’s how:

  • Emphasize your brand promise and how it supports your mission, vision and values.
  • Look for opportunities to highlight the personal sacrifices and exceptional care your staff is providing.
  • Make an extra effort to thank staff for their efforts.
  • Take the time to lend a hand or offer a word of support when you can.
  • Reward staff, even in small ways, for their efforts.

They need you—and we need them—during these very difficult times.

You’ve Got This!

Don’t drop the ball on your brand promise. Your ability to live up to that promise, especially during times of crisis, is really the best testament to your brand’s legitimacy.

What are you doing during COVID-19 to support your staff, to ensure they can support your patients and live up to your brand promise?