January 6, 2021

Four UPDATED Marketing Resolutions for 2021

In January 2016, I wrote a blog titled “Four Marketing Resolutions for 2016.” I cited research identifying that “people who write down their specific resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t make specific resolutions.”[1] So I made my marketing resolutions public:

  1. Contribute to the growth and success of a local nonprofit organization.
  2. Help multiple organizations increase their brand awareness and engagement.
  3. Encourage and enhance internal marketing and communications.
  4. Foster marketing thought leadership.

Looking back, I think I accomplished what I set out to do five years ago. I volunteered for and continue to serve on the board of four nonprofits. I collaborated with my AB&C team to help multiple B2C, B2B, healthcare, higher-ed and professional service organizations brand, rebrand, refresh and renew themselves to their customers. I also worked within the agency and on behalf of our clients to encourage internal marketing and communications before engaging in external marcom, and I published more than a dozen blogs for AB&C and the Delaware Business Times.

Now what?

The world is a different place today, so while it may seem wise to scrap all prior goals, I think each one of my prior marketing resolutions actually has a new, more personal and important meaning in my life. I encourage everyone to pause for a few moments and reflect on where they are and where they want to go. Then set in motion the thinking, actions and relationships that will get you there.

So, in keeping with my prior marketing resolutions, here is my update for 2021:

  1. Contribute to the success of local nonprofits and small businesses. They are the backbone of our economy.
  2. Work with small and large organizations to discover the value propositions that are meaningful to their current and future customers. Marketing success should be measured by greater brand loyalty, in addition to other tangible business measures.
  3. Encourage more conversations between, among and with colleagues and friends. Our individual power and influence is strengthened when we share openly and honestly with others.
  4. Always be kind and thoughtful to others. Many of us have lost loved ones, family or friends recently. There is no substitute for showing compassion or sharing a positive thought.

How will you make a positive difference in 2021?

[1] Journal of Clinical Psychology, University of Scranton, 2002.