Hyperreality on a budget

I’ve flown with the pelican and I can tell you, it’s exhilarating.
Reality’s fine for the everyday world, but sometimes you need something a little more stimulating and rewarding. Well, you’re in luck. Now you can experience a type of hyperreality — a mixture of physical and virtual reality that enables you to expand your mind while exploring unattainable vistas.
Hyperreality was just the next logical step in our compulsive quest for new experiences. With instant access to unlimited information, we had to ask: How do we add value? With an enhanced hyperreal visual experience. And it’s pretty accessible for all of us.
A small but robust GoPro video camera can take us places we could never go before. And, because it’s so small, we can put it places where larger cameras cannot easily go — allowing us to experience previously impossible viewing perspectives. Perch on a pelican’s beak as she does what pelicans do, or fly around town as Superman — all from the comfort of your comfy chair!
Not bad for just a couple hundred bucks. For an extra $100, you can even get a version of the camera that supports resolutions up to 4K. That’s four times the resolution of HDTV.
Why am I singing the praises of the GoPro camera? Well, I happen to have two of them sitting on my desk as I write this. I’ve flown with the pelican and I can tell you, it’s exhilarating.
Curious as to what Aloysius Butler & Clark may be up to with this cool technology?
Keep an eye on our YouTube channel to find out!