June 24, 2014

Why we are big fans of an ‘open door policy’

shutterstock_192501134It’s been said that good fences make good neighbors. On the flip side of that, particularly in the advertising industry, open doors create an atmosphere where misunderstandings are prevented and teamwork can flourish.

It’s strange how many misinterpretations of fact and rumors start because we don’t communicate. Well, we’re in the advertising industry and we are communicators, so darn it, we should communicate! And we do… every door in our building is open (unless there is a client meeting going on); people are always welcomed in at all times. What this means is that rumors get quashed, and possible misunderstandings get straightened out. The “open door” policy creates a culture where each and every person at AB&C feels comfortable talking to their colleagues and the managing partners.

Open your doors and let people in. And while you’re at it, knock down a few “fences.” You’d be surprised at how many problems can be avoided just by communicating openly and honestly.