Taxicab advertising goes digital!

Taxicabs now offer digital advertising on their signature roof-mounted displays.
When it comes to media outlets our ever-increasing demand for interaction has forced certain traditional forms of advertising to evolve — or risk the fate of the eight-track player.
What comes to mind when you picture taxicab advertising — probably a small billboard atop a yellow car, right?
Well think again. Taxi cab advertising is now emulating billboard advertising’s evolution from static images to digital, as well as embracing geo-fencing, one of mobile advertising’s most recent enhancements. Geo-fencing enables advertisers to target specific consumers in specific locations, such as at or near one of their stores or one of their competitor’s stores.
Taxicabs now offer digital advertising on their signature roof-mounted displays as well as on internal touchscreens, both with geo-fencing capabilities. Advertisers can display ads based on the time of day and the cab’s location, targeting early-morning passengers with messages about where to pick up that breakfast sandwich or late-night passengers about who’s currently on stage at their club.

Internal touchscreens
While the larger roof-mounted displays still have to compete for a consumer’s attention, the smaller internal displays offer interactivity to a captive audience.
Advertisers can use internal touchscreens to display anything from Screensaver ads that appear as the riders are entering the cab, to banner and tower ads that link to a mini-site, which can engage the passenger for up to 10 minutes, greatly increasing his or her recall of the product or service.
So, while static rooftop billboards may soon be a thing of the past, taxicab advertising’s evolution enables it to remain a viable option for advertisers to consider when putting together their portfolio of media vehicles.