Diversity Can Be a Huge Recruitment Differentiator

Having a diversity strategy can play a very important role in an organization's recruitment efforts

Diversity can be a huge recruitment differentiator.

Hospitals and healthcare systems that promote rewarding team-oriented work environments surely get their fair share of physician candidates. But those who champion inclusion and diversity in their workplaces often fare even better.

That’s because a more diverse group of people can offer varied perspectives on issues from patient care and treatment to harmony in the workplace. More voices means more workable suggestions—and that means better solutions.

Diversity isn’t a program. It’s a culture that enables organizations to cast a wider recruitment net, drawing the brightest and best from the largest possible talent pool. Studies by Forbes¹, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services², Health Affairs³ and others point to diversity’s impressive gains. Inclusive workplaces inspire employees to perform at the highest levels. Turnover rates are lower. Employee satisfaction and retention levels trend higher. Creativity, productivity, responsiveness, innovation and adaptability are strengthened, too. Diversity within your physician ranks can also improve access to quality care for underserved persons, and build greater trust among larger patient populations. All of which contribute to a better bottom line.

The Center for American Progress, a public policy research and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., predicts that by 2050, there will be no ethnic majority in our nation. This bodes well for healthcare organizations that choose to stay ahead of the curve. The more diverse your workforce in terms of religion, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic and community groups, the more success you’ll have attracting and retaining top physicians.

At AB&C, we are experts in developing diversity strategies and recruitment marketing campaigns that truly differentiate our clients.

Learn why diversity and inclusion are important for your organization

¹2014, Forbes Study, Workplace Diversity, Key to Innovation.
²2006, Rationale for Diversity in the Health Professions: A Review of the Evidence. 
³2010, Health Affairs, The Case For Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce.