Facebook changes how marketers can promote posts.

Facebook surveyed users on promotional posts.

Facebook surveyed users on promotional posts.

On January 15, Facebook users are going to see a cleaned-up newsfeed with less clutter and more controls for promotional posts. Facebook decided to make these changes after surveying users and learning they want less promotional content and more stories from friends and posts from pages they opted in to see.

Facebook decided to crack down on:Read full post...

Agile marketing — latest fad or the future? — Part 2

Now that we’ve gone over some basics in Part 1, let’s look at how the Agile methodology can work in your agency.

T-Shaped People

Assemble your team of T-shaped people.

As with any project, your team members are your most important assets. Agile doesn’t call for the smartest, fastest or most specialized team members available. Instead, it works best with T-shaped people. I know what you’re thinking: Great, let’s add another piece of jargon to the mix! An uppercase T has two parts: the horizontal top bar and the vertical stem. The top bar represents a broad range of skills from left to right, and the stem represents the depth of knowledge in a specific skill. T-shaped people — those who specialize in a specific skill but have a broad range of knowledge across multiple disciplines — understand how all of the different skills work together to ensure the project is compatible across all specialties.Read full post...


Agile marketing — latest fad or the future? — Part 1

Time to Adapt

Agile is pretty new in relation to other methodologies.

Agile marketing is a relatively new term being thrown around by marketers and project managers to help us adapt to the ever-changing landscape of marketing. In the late 1990s, software developers created agile methodology, which focuses on iterative and incremental goals when developing large programs, to help streamline the development process. Agile is pretty new in relation to other methodologies such as waterfall, which is what most project managers use on a daily basis.

OK, now that you have some background, let’s jump in with both feet. Read full post...