Leave it to the experts.

“We haven’t killed anybody yet” or “Most people think we’re pretty good!”
Let’s say that you own a grocery store with several aisles of frozen food. Now let’s say that your freezer’s compressor — which works hard to keep your food frozen — breaks down. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll try to fix the compressor yourself. But more than likely you’ll need to call an electrician — an expert — to do the job and get you back in business. You consider him an expert because you found him by Googling “expert electrician.” And he shows you a license and certificate as proof of his training.
Now let’s say you’re in charge of boosting market share for a bank or hospital or chemical company or start-up. You need to think about creating a powerful brand. Who are you going to call for help? The electrician? No. You could ask the kid of that guy in shipping to come up with a catchy slogan, but you might wind up with “We haven’t killed anybody yet” or “Most people think we’re pretty good!”
Or you could hire a full-service marketing agency with a team of experts ready to use the latest technology and strategies to make your company stand out.
Why do you need marketing experts? Because they’ll help you maintain a consistent brand. Your brand is everything your customers think of when they think of your company. A full-service marketing agency will ensure that your customers — and potential customers — see a unified image representing your company, whether they’re looking at print or social media or anything in between. And a unified image is a powerful image.
Also, just like the electrician, marketing experts are trained and educated and up-to-date on the latest technologies. They’ll do the research to find you the best strategies and solutions to make your company top-of-mind.
Finally, and most important, you have time to do what you do best because you don’t have to worry about something you’re probably not an expert in. You get to do your job while the agency does its job.
If you run a company, or you’ve been asked to make the marketing decisions for your company, it’s time to look into a full-service marketing agency. You want to find an agency that matches your values, listens to your goals and understands how you want your company to be perceived by your customers. You want marketing experts working for you, making your brand strong and helping your company succeed.
But, hey, feel free to take a crack at that compressor.