Physician Recruitment Marketing: Four Years, Big Difference

Attending the ASPR 2015 conference in Orlando  gives us the chance to talk recruitment strategies with attendees

Shawn Kessler talks recruitment strategy with ASPR 2015 attendees.

This year I attended my fifth ASPR (Association of Staff Physician Recruiters) conference. My biggest takeaway: The physician shortage has truly become a real, living, breathing thing that, understandably, has a lot of recruiters terrified.

Rewind to 2011. Chicago. The conference was smaller with fewer attendees and vendors.  You would hear “The physician shortage is coming” and “Take these steps so your health system is prepared” or “These are the recruiters you should be using.” The term “recruitment marketing” was hardly known at that point.Read full post...


Leave it to the experts.

“We haven’t killed anybody yet” or “Most people think we’re pretty good!”

“We haven’t killed anybody yet” or “Most people think we’re pretty good!”

Let’s say that you own a grocery store with several aisles of frozen food. Now let’s say that your freezer’s compressor — which works hard to keep your food frozen — breaks down. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll try to fix the compressor yourself. But more than likely you’ll need to call an electrician — an expert — to do the job and get you back in business. You consider him an expert because you found him by Googling “expert electrician.” And he shows you a license and certificate as proof of his training.Read full post...


Work that exhibit hall!

Read your audience. Some people who stop by your booth just want a signature for their exhibit hall bingo card (daddy needs a new TV!).

Read your audience. Some people who stop by your booth just want a signature for their exhibit hall bingo card (daddy needs a new TV!).

I’ve been to all kinds of conferences and trade shows — big and small, East Coast and West. They provide an ideal opportunity to stay abreast of trends in rapidly changing industries. They’re also a great place to network and attract new clients, if you make the most of your time. These tips will help:

  1. Be prepared. Have talking points about your company ready, as well as insightful questions for potential clients to help you assess their needs and how you can fulfill those needs.
  2. Get the attendee list. If you have the option, try to get it before the event. This gives you a chance to research your prospects and zero in on who you’d like to talk with.
  3. Mind your manners. It may be summer, and you may be in a beautiful hotel, but you’re not on vacation. Potential customers are all around you. Being that person who had a little too much to drink at the happy hour makes you — and your company — look very sloppy. If you can’t take care of yourself, how can clients trust you to take care of their business?Read full post...