Taxicab advertising goes digital!

Taxicabs now offer digital advertising on their signature roof-mounted displays.

Taxicabs now offer digital advertising on their signature roof-mounted displays.

When it comes to media outlets our ever-increasing demand for interaction has forced certain traditional forms of advertising to evolve — or risk the fate of the eight-track player.

What comes to mind when you picture taxicab advertising — probably a small billboard atop a yellow car, right?

Well think again. Read full post...

Dallas’s digital dynasty begins

Spectators have come to expect the quality of advertising at the stadium to equal the quality they see on TV during the Super Bowl.

Spectators have come to expect the quality of advertising at the stadium to equal the quality they see on TV during the Super Bowl.

Sports marketing has been around at least since the 1870s, when a tobacco company started making baseball cards and sticking them in cigarette packs. Any sports fan will tell you that there is a special level of respect for those advertisers that sponsor their favorite team. Nowhere is this respect more evident than within the realm of professional football.Read full post...


Digital is dynamic

The fate of static outdoor displays may soon be much the same as CDs and VHS tapes.

The fate of static outdoor displays may soon be much the same as CDs and VHS tapes.

Digital outdoor displays are quickly becoming one of the best mediums for cost-effective, high-impact advertising.

With the ability to change a client’s creative frequently and immediately, digital outdoor displays allow you to target your consumer with the most time-relevant message.

Another advantage of digital displays over traditional static displays is consumer retention. Research shows that while only 43 percent of respondents have any kind of recall of traditional static displays, more than 94 percent of respondents actually recall the message on a digital display. This is remarkable, given the fact that the message on a digital display is usually shown for only eight seconds at a time as part of a continuous rotation.Read full post...