We’re all just sittin’ around the campfire, really

PR training helps our clients communicate clearly and  effectively.

PR training helps our clients communicate clearly and effectively.

I’m a PR professional. But my real job is storyteller. I use press releases, feature articles, social media and grassroots outreach to get our clients’ messages across. But sometimes, the client needs to be the storyteller.

The AB&C PR team offers a variety of training modules to help our clients communicate clearly and effectively. Maybe you need some help with a stressful situation, such as giving a speech in public or having to be interviewed by the media. Don’t sweat it. Yours truly, a PR pro, is here to help.Read full post...

Agency life: a trip to Longwood Gardens

Touch of SpringJust like work happy hours, work outings are a great way to connect with your coworkers and create a friendlier working environment. And in the middle of a brutal winter, Aloysius Butler & Clark knew how to bring a little sunshine and color: with a work outing.

When I walked into work on a chilly February day, I was greeted with a unique save-the-date. It read, “Join us for a Touch of Spring. More details to follow.”Read full post...

Distribution takes a seat on the throne

Content has reigned supreme for decades, but now distribution is assuming the throne (or at least sharing it).

Content has reigned supreme for decades, but now distribution is assuming the throne (or at least sharing it).

If you’re a marketer or small-business owner, you should be creating high-quality content that gets shared and ranks high in search engines. But with more than 750 million websites competing for people’s attention, how can you make sure your online audience is receiving your message?

The answer is effective distribution.

Most of us have heard that “content is king.” And it’s true — no one is going to read your message if it’s not intriguing. According to Chad Pollitt, director of marketing at DigitialRelevance, great content goes unread everyday, and tweeting or posting it on Facebook isn’t going to cut it. In this day and age, you need to create a distribution strategy to connect your content to a larger audience.

Here’s how to get started:Read full post...