Distribution takes a seat on the throne

Content has reigned supreme for decades, but now distribution is assuming the throne (or at least sharing it).

Content has reigned supreme for decades, but now distribution is assuming the throne (or at least sharing it).

If you’re a marketer or small-business owner, you should be creating high-quality content that gets shared and ranks high in search engines. But with more than 750 million websites competing for people’s attention, how can you make sure your online audience is receiving your message?

The answer is effective distribution.

Most of us have heard that “content is king.” And it’s true — no one is going to read your message if it’s not intriguing. According to Chad Pollitt, director of marketing at DigitialRelevance, great content goes unread everyday, and tweeting or posting it on Facebook isn’t going to cut it. In this day and age, you need to create a distribution strategy to connect your content to a larger audience.

Here’s how to get started:Read full post...

They’re talking about you — online.

If a potential customer reads a negative review, they're more forgiving if you’re a part of the conversation.

If a potential customer reads a negative review, they’re more forgiving if you’re a part of the conversation.

Your online presence is bigger than you think. It’s certainly bigger than your website. People are talking about your business all over the Internet — whether you like it or not.

Maybe you’ve never visited a review or social media site, but guess what? They’ve probably visited you. Someone stopped in for a bite, bought a new car or was simply in the neighborhood and voila! Your online listing was born. And yes, it can happen without your blessing.

We’re not talking about angry customers who had a bad experience and spend their time venting in a blog post that six people will read. We’re talking about reputable, heavily trafficked sites where people go to check in, read reviews and sometimes offer up a piece of their own mind.

So what, you ask? Well, you may be losing clients and sales without even knowing it. It’s pretty simple: Online reviews pack a punch. According to Inc.com, 89 percent of consumers trust online product and service reviews. Whether it’s spot-on or wildly out of whack, your online reputation may be a customer’s first touchpoint with your business.Read full post...

Social media for small businesses – Part II

Social Media

More of your social media for small businesses questions answered.

Someone posted a negative comment on my business’ social media page. Should I delete it?

No. Deleting negative comments does more harm than good. Instead, think about the most common customer complaints towards your business and develop a general response to each. If a negative post appears, take the appropriate general response and tailor it to specifically address the complaint. Additionally, get the conversation offline. Read full post...

Social media for small businesses – Part I

Social Media

Social media has become a powerful marketing tool.

So you think you’re ready to take the plunge. No, not marriage, kids or swimming with those Polar Bear guys. We’re talking about social media here. Like those other plunges, you might not quite be sure what you’re getting yourself into.

There’s no denying it: Social media has become a powerful marketing tool. Read full post...

April 24, 2012

Google attracts Delaware small businesses

Wilmington, Delaware – More than 250 local Delaware businesses attended workshops hosted by Google on Friday, April 20 at the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts in Wilmington. The Internet search firm worked with local partners to design the program, which helps drive economic growth by giving Delaware businesses the tools and resources to establish a website, find new customers, and grow their business.

Delaware Get Your Business Online successfully launched

“This is a great opportunity for Delaware small businesses to get online,” said Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), who attended the event on Friday. “Small businesses are a driving force of Delaware’s economy and this resource will help them grow and expand their business by reaching new customers on the Internet.”