How to Become a Thought Leader

Who is your person? Your most trusted source of information and support? Who is the person you look to for guidance? For me it’s my husband. He’s smart, he’s usually right, and I trust him. (Not so much when it comes to grumpy teenagers or what shoes go with what outfit, but that’s another story.)

For many organizations, being the go-to source of expertise is the premier communications objective. “Make us the thought leader in our industry/region/community. Put us on the map!” It’s said in almost every PR strategy meeting.Read full post...

Year of the selfie

I suggest that before taking that selfie, turn the camera around and look at what your audience is seeing.

I suggest that before taking that selfie, turn the camera around and look at what your audience is seeing.

POTUS, along with some other ruling “buddies,” decided to take a selfie at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service this week. Wow. This is one of the craziest displays of bad judgment of this news cycle — if not this year.

Or is it?

Statistics tell us that photos are the thing to share, so is it inappropriate to share a historic moment? Judging by the social media comments this photo generated, there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence. By the time we make up our minds, another display of public misjudgment will have no doubt come along and distracted us.Read full post...


The writing is on the wall

I also never leave home without a good copy editor!

I also never leave home without a good copy editor!

With all the modern ways of communicating, it still comes down to good writing. Tweets, blogs, web copy and infographics still require dynamic writing that engages your audience. The rules for good PR writing still apply in the social media era. Some say the demands of sound bites and 140 characters make good writing next to impossible. I say these “restrictions” compel us to hone our skills even more!

Public relations and marketing professionals have to communicate complex messages in less “space” to less attentive audiences. Are you up for the challenge? Here are a few quick tips to improve your writing:Read full post...


Only 4 percent of U.S. hospitals have blogs—yikes!

As all hospital content creators know, there is no shortage of stories to tell.

Everyone blogs—kidscatsStarbucks, even an accused criminal. But in the world of hospital communications, blogging is not nearly as prevalent. In fact, fewer than four percent of hospitals have them—185 to be exact, according to the Mayo Clinic’s Health Care Social Media List.

It’s a little surprising that more hospitals haven’t embraced the blog as a way to share their stories. A blog offers a controlled communications channel that engages and drives measurable web traffic. It showcases the organization’s personality and mission. I would challenge any PR or marketing pro to come up with a tactic that does all that—in 300 words or less!

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’Tis the season

Planning is key to event success.

Not for jingle bells, but for events — royal weddings, grand openings, fundraisers and community fairs. Whether you’re hosting a small group of friends or the entire town, planning is key to event success.

Here are some tips to get you started:Read full post...