PR Pros with Hearts? No Way!


The interview at 6abc that helped get the word out about the organization Preston’s March for Energy.

PR professionals have gotten a bad rap, stereotyped as cutthroat, competitive communicators who are constantly stressing out, skating around the truth and drinking excessive amounts of coffee (well, we do drink a lot of coffee). But despite the generalization, PR pros can actually do good. Did I say that loud enough? We can do good.

Recently, I was tasked with gaining media exposure for a pro bono account, Preston’s March for Energy, and its annual fundraiser. The organization was launched by the Buenaga family of Wilmington, Delaware, whose son, Preston, has disabilities that keep him from being able to ride a standard bicycle. A few years ago, a family friend started a Facebook campaign to raise money and donated a custom bike to Preston. After seeing the happiness it brought him, Read full post...

Is it Time for Media Training?

Media training will help ensure—if you land that interview with your dream outlet—that you are ready.

Media training will help ensure—if you land that interview with your dream outlet—that you are ready.

If you’re asking the question, the answer is probably yes. If you’re in a position to speak on behalf of your company or organization in front of the “fourth estate,” you should have some understanding of how the media operates and how to get your messages across effectively. Good media training can get you there.

As the spokesperson for a company, product or issue, you should be credible, comfortable and knowledgeable. With proper training, you’ll be able to develop effective messages and determine the best ways to communicate those messages. You’ll be prepared for interactions with the press: at a press conference or trade show, in a phone interview, or—the unthinkable horror—in an ambush interview. In training, you’ll participate in “mock” interviews that will force you to confront issues, tackle possible negative perceptions and explain your positions convincingly.Read full post...



With no speaking notes for nearly 30 minutes, he spoke from the heart with a humility unseen and unheard of in today’s professional sports world.

With no speaking notes for nearly 30 minutes, Durant spoke from the heart with a humility unseen and unheard of in today’s professional sports world.

By textbook and tradition, we in PR are in the business of influencing, and frequently, outright changing perceptions.  We try to inform and educate. Sometimes we are given great stories to tell; more commonly we’re asked to elevate the mundane or, perhaps too often, gild the less positive aspects of a situation.Read full post...


’Tis the season

Planning is key to event success.

Not for jingle bells, but for events — royal weddings, grand openings, fundraisers and community fairs. Whether you’re hosting a small group of friends or the entire town, planning is key to event success.

Here are some tips to get you started:Read full post...


Media relations—More than just a one-night stand

Public Relations Heart

Media relations is a lot like dating...

Recently I found myself consoling a coworker who was bothered because a reporter wouldn’t return her phone calls or emails or agree to go to lunch with her. Suddenly it occurred to me that entering the world of media relations is a lot like diving into the dating pool. Both involve unwritten rules, lots of phone calls, rejection and frustration—but with a little patience and a little luck, a long-lasting and trustworthy relationship can develop.

The relationship between a PR professional and a journalist is not just a one-night stand. It takes persistence and commitment.Read full post...