Now more than ever, people need to take care of their health. Are healthcare providers sending the right messages to them?

Communicating that it is safe to get preventative care such as mammograms is essential to getting healthcare kick-started. With the advent of consumerism and the preponderance of healthcare information, we now have an “army” of informed healthcare consumers in our country. Where have they been during this pandemic? What happened to preventative medicine or annual medical procedures/treatments?Read full post...

May 26, 2020

Navigating the Next Normal in Higher Education

By David Brond and Kathleen Doyle

The world as we knew it has changed. This is also true across the entire landscape of higher education.

May 1 was National College Decision Day, the traditional deadline for high school seniors to pick their college or university. In 2020 unfortunately, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, this important decision has become more difficult than ever for students and parents. The pandemic is also having—and going to have—a profound impact on the future of institutions of higher learning across the country.Read full post...

Is your positioning and brand message platform speaking to consumers?

All the best brand managers revise their messaging platforms to reflect changes in the market. They do this to remain relevant to their consumers and their markets.

Now is the time for healthcare marketers to look at their positioning and message platforms to determine if they need revisions. During this pandemic, two competing images of healthcare providers have emerged: With their position as defenders of the community’s health restored, and their willingness to risk their lives to help others, healthcare providers are seen as heroes and valuable community resources. But the fact that they were overwhelmed by the number, severity and supply needs of COVID-19 patients creates a different perception.Read full post...

The Importance of Market Research in Times of Uncertainty

Amid the current coronavirus situation, some organizations may be tempted to implement a “wait and see” approach to marcom. However, now is not the time to cut branding or market research efforts. For healthcare organizations there is an obvious need to focus short-term priorities on the Coronavirus pandemic and its day-to-day impact on human and financial resources, operations, patient care and safety. Read full post...

Telemedicine Is Here to Stay

It’s in the news every day. This pandemic is crippling some hospitals’ resources, while others are ready and waiting. But all hospitals have stopped elective procedures and are experiencing that impact on their revenue. Some have even been forced to furlough employees and staff. But what can we as marketers do to help?

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Free thank-you ads from AB&C

PWe’ve heard a lot about the importance of thanking essential workers during this pandemic. At AB&C, we’d like to make this a little easier for you. We have designed a series of posters/ads that we will customize for you to use as a print ad or as a poster displayed in your hospitals.

We will personalize any of the designs with your logo and color palette—and even resize them—at no cost to you. It’s the least we can do to thank you and your employees for all that they’re doing for your community and our country.
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A Brand Promise Isn’t Just for the Good Times: Living Your Brand Promise While Facing a Crisis

Healthcare organizations have become pretty marketing savvy over the past several years. They tend to excel in having a strong brand promise, backed up by people-focused missions, visions and values. People entering the industry—especially those in direct clinical care roles—tend to be extremely mission-driven. They want to help and serve others. And that’s what they do every day.
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Seven things healthcare marketers need to be doing right now.

Healthcare SEM in the midst of a pandemic.

One thing that we can depend on is change. It’s a constant. But the massive change we’ve experienced over the past two weeks has been unsettling. Marketers are beginning to second-guess all their marketing strategies. Many are fielding nervous questions from executive teams and wondering if they should put a hold on their advertising budgets—or scrap their digital marketing completely.

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March 26, 2020

AB&C Wins Four ADDY Awards

WILMINGTON, Del. — March 26, 2020 — Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), one of the region’s largest full-service marketing communications agencies, emerged as a four-time winner at the 2019-2020 Philadelphia Metro American Advertising Awards, also known as the ADDYs. Sponsored by the American Advertising Federation, the ADDY Awards honor excellence in advertising.

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February 18, 2019
January 22, 2019
January 11, 2019

Refine Your Brand. Retain Your Talent.

After 18 years, the unemployment scales have finally tipped, and we’re seeing more available jobs than unemployed individuals. According to the Wall Street Journal’s Eric Morath, “U.S. job openings rose to 6.7 million at the end of April [2018], compared with the 6.3 million Americans who were unemployed.” It’s the first time this has happened since the U.S. Department of Labor began keeping records of such statistics in 2000.

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November 8, 2018

Digital Marketing: So Many Lessons Learned

While many healthcare providers have been late adopters of digital marketing (as compared to other industries), it is fair to say that, as of 2018 it is now a cornerstone of most healthcare marketing programs. And that prominence comes from success and lessons learned—some good, some not so good—about both general and digital marketing.

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