How to Prevent the Agency Letdown

So, your business needs a marketing communications agency. Where do you start? Common sense tells you to ask for recommendations, look up agencies that you’ve heard have a good reputation and do lots of internet research.

Even if my intention for this blog was to offer you advice on starting an agency search, I couldn’t—not without knowing specifics of your industry, business model and objectives. But what I can offer any business that’s facing an agency search is insight, to help you avoid what I call the “new-home letdown.”

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Achieving Success Along the Customer Journey

Ever since there’s been the practice of marketing communications, there’s been a concept inseparable from it: the customer journey. If you understood your target audience and could communicate effectively at each stage of their purchasing journey, you’d do OK in the marcom profession.

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Lessons Learned from a New CEO

After more than a decade of managing a marketing communications agency as a partner and chief creative director, making the step up to CEO shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right? I believed this as I prepared to step into the shoes of our retiring CEO, John Hawkins, the agency’s founder and my friend of 30-some years. I didn’t envision much changing—or needing to change—at Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), aside from my carving out a role and asserting my own style. I quickly discovered I was off in this thinking. John retired on December 31, 2016, and before we reached mid-January, my point of view had changed.

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Do You Know Your Net Promoter Score?

One of the most important drivers of business for any organization — of any size — is referrals from satisfied customers. Meeting or exceeding customers’ expectations creates a long-term relationship and loyalty, which leads to referrals. And loyalty can pay off — loyal customers are worth up to 10 times their initial purchase value.

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8 Tips for Writing Catchy Headlines

In a world full of noise, how do you get people to actually read what you write? It takes more than good content and design. The most important part of writing is the headline.

My advice? Be bold. Be brief. Be relevant. Because without a great headline hook to pull people into your article or ad, they’ll browse right on by.

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How to Create an Inbound Marketing Strategy

If you’ve found that your outbound marketing efforts are becoming less effective over time, then read on.

You may have noticed that your email blasts to purchased lists of unqualified prospects, cold-calls and direct mailers are no longer generating the quantity and quality of leads needed to fill the top of your sales funnel—leaving your sales team twiddling their thumbs.

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June 6, 2017
May 23, 2017

Marketing’s Role in Connecting Organizations with Customers

“The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” This directive was identified by management consultant, educator and author Peter F. Drucker, whose writings contributed to the practical foundation of the modern business corporation.

Today, marketing plays an ever-increasing role in creating and growing businesses and brands by connecting organizations with current and potential purchasers along every step of the customer-experience journey. The role of marketers is to identify and research audiences, and then expertly reach and inform them about brands, products and services to facilitate the growth of business in today’s highly competitive environment. Marketers who embrace and combine the new tools of digital and social media with traditional and guerilla marketing will have greater success at connecting customers with their business.

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May 3, 2017

David Brond Elected to New Castle County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

WILMINGTON, Del. (May 16, 2017) — Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), one of the region’s largest full-service marketing communications agencies, is pleased to announce that the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce has elected David Brond, AB&C’s Vice President and Director of Account Services, for its Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019. A resident of Middletown, Delaware, Brond also serves on the boards of the Del-Mar-Va Council Boy Scouts of America and Teach for America-Delaware.

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April 10, 2017

Maria Antonelli Joins AB&C as Account Services Division Director

WILMINGTON, Del. (April 10, 2017) — Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), one of the region’s largest full-service marketing communications agencies, today announced that Maria Antonelli has joined the agency as a Division Director in Account Services.

In this role, Antonelli’s primary focus will be working to grow and develop the agency’s B2B and B2C account portfolio. In addition, Antonelli will provide mentorship to the AB&C account services team, as well as build external relationships on behalf of the agency.Read full post...

Media Training—3 Tips for a Great Interview

If you’re Skyping into a live TV interview from your home office, make sure you lock the door! Robert Kelly, a professor of political science at South Korea’s Pusan National University, learned this lesson the hard way after his two children stole the spotlight during his March 2017 BBC interview.

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Top 3 Tips for Public Relations Planners

This February, I represented PRSSA-UD at one of the Public Relations Student Society of America’s Delaware Chapter (PRSA-DE) networking events. As I sipped coffee and ate some of the provided refreshments, I listened to Dave Brond from Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C) and Cortney Klein from WSFS Bank discuss the elements of an effective strategic planning process. Here are my top three takeaways from Brond and Klein on how to best create a strategic plan in order to optimize its potential for success:

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