November 11, 2015

Aloysius Butler & Clark Receives Five Honors in the 2015 MarCom Awards


From a pool of approximately 6,500 entries, Aloysius Butler & Clark emerged a winner five times in the 2015 MarCom Awards, an annual, international creative competition for marketing and communications professionals. Entries for this year’s competition were submitted from business and communications firms from all 50 U.S. states, Canada and more than 30 other countries. AB&C took two top platinum prizes, two second-place gold prizes and an honorable mention.Read full post...


PR Pros with Hearts? No Way!


The interview at 6abc that helped get the word out about the organization Preston’s March for Energy.

PR professionals have gotten a bad rap, stereotyped as cutthroat, competitive communicators who are constantly stressing out, skating around the truth and drinking excessive amounts of coffee (well, we do drink a lot of coffee). But despite the generalization, PR pros can actually do good. Did I say that loud enough? We can do good.

Recently, I was tasked with gaining media exposure for a pro bono account, Preston’s March for Energy, and its annual fundraiser. The organization was launched by the Buenaga family of Wilmington, Delaware, whose son, Preston, has disabilities that keep him from being able to ride a standard bicycle. A few years ago, a family friend started a Facebook campaign to raise money and donated a custom bike to Preston. After seeing the happiness it brought him, Read full post...

October 7, 2015

University of Virginia Medical Center Chooses Aloysius Butler & Clark for Recruitment Marketing

UVA Medical Center has called AB&C in to provide recruiting , digital and traditional marketing tactics.

UVA Medical Center has called AB&C in to provide recruiting , digital and traditional marketing tactics.

The University of Virginia (UVA) Medical Center has selected Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications agency, to assist it in recruitment marketing and media efforts. UVA joins the agency’s roster of healthcare clients that rely on strategic thinking and creative communication to recruit top talent. AB&C will provide direct recruitment, digital and traditional marketing tactics to support the client in recruiting nurses, pharmacists, dialysis technicians, IT staff and other key associates as the organization grows to meet the demand of its community.Read full post...

Marketers Need to be Good Writers

Writing is quickly becoming an important skill for marketers to have.

Writing is quickly becoming an important skill for marketers to have.

I’m no writer. Which might become evident as you make your way through this. When I was in college, nobody told me how important writing would be once I landed a marketing job. Maybe they didn’t think it was important because of how fast everything in marketing and advertising changes. But I’ve come to accept my fate as a marketer—I must be a writer. As marketers, we can’t deny it or pretend it isn’t a huge part of our jobs. With marketing and advertising making a shift from traditional to digital, more of our everyday job has become writing. Emails. Blogs. Content. Tweets. Press releases. Proposals. StrategiesRead full post...

Employment Branding = Consumer Branding

Almost 400 people took the Business and Labor Resources Employment Branding Survey this past June. The results highlight the importance of marketing and human resources professionals working together to build and maintain an employment brand.

Slightly more than one quarter (26.6%) of survey respondents said their organization has an employment brand program—i.e., “a program directed at employees and potential employees as opposed to a general brand program directed at the population at large.”

Of those who don’t have a brand program, 40.5% said they plan to implement or are considering one, and 50.7% said they may consider one in the future.Read full post...


Branding Comes Naturally

Craig, Jenn and Paul of AB&C with Anita Moos of Newark Natural Foods. (Photo credit the Delaware Business Journal.)

Craig, Jenn and Paul of AB&C with Anita Moos of Newark Natural Foods. (Photo credit the Delaware Business Journal.)

If you scour our website and blog, you’ll see the words “brand” and “branding” popping up all over the place. It’s at the very core of what we do, so naturally we like to talk about it. What makes our jobs more fun is when our clients adopt that same love and appreciation for branding that we have. And we are fortunate enough to work with many clients who have done exactly that.

Delaware Business Times wrote an article spotlighting Newark Natural Food’s recent brand makeover. (Side note: it’s fairly obvious that posing for pictures doesn’t come quite as naturally to us [or at least to me] as branding does.)Read full post...

August 28, 2015

HTML 5: Death to Flash


8-29 blog photo

by: Kathleen Doyle and Michael English

While we’ve heard rumblings in the industry about the demise of Flash for some time, it has become a reality only recently. Here’s a quick history of the rocky relationship between the Internet and Flash. Back in 2007, Apple chose not to allow a Flash player plugin on the iPhone, and in 2010, Steve Jobs called for Adobe to “kill Flash.” The writing was on the wall.Read full post...

August 24, 2015

Aloysius Butler & Clark Wins Eight Digital Health Awards

Wilmington, Del.—Aloysius Butler & Clark was an eight-time winner at the 17th annual Digital Health Awards. The competition, organized twice yearly by The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), features 80 categories that honor the world’s best digital health resources. Classifications are: Web-based Digital Health; Mobile Digital Health Resources; Personal Digital Health Devices/Wearables; Digital Health Media/Publications; Digital Health—Social Media; and Connected Digital Health. AB&C won gold, silver, bronze and merit awards for various digital advertisements, website designs, rich media and social media content.

“The Heroin Trap” website won gold—the highest award—in the category of Interactive Content/Rich Media for Web-based Digital Health. AtlantiCare’s “Well 4 Life” also received a gold award for Digital Health Curation in the same classification.Read full post...

How Long Does It Take to Establish a Brand that Works?

Brands don't happen over night. image credit: Latimre Appleby

Brands don’t happen over night.
image credit: Latimre Appleby

In my career I have built, enhanced and even created numerous brands for multiple organizations in healthcare, higher education, and other industries. And people always ask me, “How long does it take to establish a brand?”

My answer: five years.

In the first phase, you’ll develop your brand. This requires qualitative and quantitative marketplace, stakeholder and competitor research; positioning and brand platform formation; and creative execution, messaging, and brand guideline and internal collateral development. You’ll need careful planning and patience—and about 18 months.Read full post...

Show your True Colors: Diversity for the Win.

shutterstock_303148076The term “diversity” is popping up more and more in in the news and within our organizations. Why? Diversity is great for business—it’s a key driver of innovation, and it’s crucial for companies that want to attract top talent. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is no longer just “training” that your employer requires you to complete—it’s a crucial factor in the culture of successful organizations. Read this case history about how Sodexo used D&I to improve employee engagement and foster creativity.

Have you ever wondered how D&I affects your brand?Read full post...

3 Things Your Content Should Do if it’s Aimed at Millennials

Believe it or not, I happen to be an early (1986) millennial, and my brothers came around at the end (2000 & 2002) And we all

I happen to be an early millennial (1986), and my brothers came around at the end (2000 & 2002) And the three of us consume content very differently, and much differently than mom and dad.

If you’re not a millennial, you probably have a mental image of how we behave—we can’t put our phones down, we can’t pay attention to anything for more than a few seconds, we aren’t following the traditional 9–5 workday and we can be kind of difficult.

It’s all true.

But we’re also an important demographic—and we’re changing the way marketers do their job.Read full post...

July 28, 2015
July 28, 2015

AB&C Public Relations Team Wins State, Then National Press Awards

Educating beach-goers in Dewey about protecting their skin.

Educating beach-goers in Dewey about protecting their skin.

Leah Haugh and Dante LaPenta made some statewide and national PR noise for Aloysius Butler & Clark. The pair won first place awards from the Delaware Press Association and the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW). Let’s see how they made it happen.

Working with the Delaware Division of Public Health, the AB&C public relations team was tasked with spreading the word on spreading sunscreen as well as getting screened for skin cancer. And as the behavior change marketing experts at AB&C know better than most, getting people to even consider a behavior modification (like turning off the tanning bed) is no easy task.Read full post...

July 23, 2015

The Delaware Council on Gambling Problems Chooses AB&C for Public Awareness Campaign

Delaware Council on Gambling Problems, Inc. The Delaware Council on Gambling Problems (DCGP) has selected Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications agency, for a public awareness campaign that links Delawareans affected negatively by gambling with services provided by the DCGP. The agency will provide website development, public relations, social media, paid media and creative services.Read full post...