A Product Placement “Situation”

"The Fitchuation" T-shirt sold by Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch released a press statement two weeks ago entitled, “A Win-Win Situation,” in which they offered to pay Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino and his Jersey Shore castmates a “substantial” amount of money to stop wearing their clothes in public. A&F’s statement said, “We are deeply concerned that Mr. Sorrentino’s association with our brand could cause significant damage to our image…. We understand that the show is for entertainment purposes, but believe this association is contrary to the aspirational nature of our brand, and may be distressing to many of our fans.”Read full post...

August 29, 2011

Aloysius Butler & Clark goes back in time at this year’s Art Show

Recruitment poster for the Third Delaware Regiment, 1861-1865

Recruitment poster for the Third Delaware Regiment, 1861-1865

Put on your bonnets and boaters and hop in your buggy — Aloysius Butler & Clark is going back in time for this season’s art show! On September 8, 2011, the walls of AB&C will be adorned with fine historic reproductions from The Delaware Historical Society. These rarely seen reproductions will include maps, documents and images of the First State.Read full post...

August 26, 2011


Accidental tweets are easy fodder for journalists.

Have you ever posted something you regret on your Facebook or Twitter? Maybe you posted an inside joke on someone’s wall that was supposed to be for their inbox. Or you tweeted a quote after a long night out that wasn’t as funny in the morning. Or — my personal favorite — you searched for someone on your Blackberry Facebook app, without realizing you posted his or her name as your status?Read full post...

Dear Netflix:


Ball’s in your court, Netflix.

I remember when you first came out. You sent me unlimited DVDs in the mail each month, three at a time. Then you offered cheaper plans with fewer DVDs. Then came streaming videos — for free! — to compete with Redbox, free online streaming websites like Hulu and Fancast, On Demand content that comes with cable, and other streaming video rental applications like Vudu and Blockbuster On Demand. Life was sweet.Read full post...

An Intern Abroad — in Ad Land

not just a photocopying internship

This was not another typical internship.

Nine different brands of chips, four types of M&Ms, six different kinds of granola bars, a few bottles of wine and an unlimited supple of coffee. A college kid’s kitchen? No — the kitchen at AB&C.

The grocery bill for AB&C has to be outrageous. The kitchen is stocked with a ridiculous supply of snacks, fueling the creative and business drive of nearly 70 people who seem unable to let go of their college days. That would explain the chalkboard wall, a Rock ’Em Sock ’Em Robots game, a skateboard and overlarge magnetic letters in the second floor meeting room. It’s not the décor a new intern might expect.Read full post...

August 1, 2011
July 25, 2011

The Leader of the Facebook Pack

Part 3: The Leader of the Facebook Pack

The first three posts in my Facebook news feed this morning were:

  • A video of my neighbor’s new puppy (cute!)
  • A picture of the beach in Greece where my best friend is vacationing (jealous!)
  • A rant on the morning commute from a high school classmate (unintentionally hilarious!)

On the surface, these posts have nothing in common. So how did Facebook decide they should be in my “top news” feed? In a word: EdgeRank.Read full post...

July 18, 2011

AB&C to be contributors for Ragan’s Healthcare Communications

Wilmington, DE, July 18, 2011 – Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), a full-service communications firm, has been invited to be a regular contributor to Ragan’s Health Care Communication News. Maria Stearns, AB&C’s healthcare team leader, along with other healthcare experts at the agency, will be providing two blog posts a month for Ragan on the latest news in healthcare communications and marketing.

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Facebook PR Strategies for Small Budgets

Part 2: Facebook PR Strategies for a Small Budget

Kohl’s department store has more than 4.8 million Facebook “likes,” a following largely built during a 2010 campaign that let fans vote for which 20 schools should receive $500,000 each. The company gave away $10 million, but gained a groundswell of good feelings and a legion of new fans who now receive the company’s updates every day.

But take heart — you don’t need a multimillion-dollar budget to build a Facebook following.Read full post...

July 6, 2011

Aloysius Butler & Clark Receives Two Jersey Awards

Wilmington, DE — Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), a full-service communications firm, was honored with two awards at the 43rd annual Jersey Awards hosted by the New Jersey Advertising Club. The awards were won on behalf of AB&C’s clients, St. Joseph’s Children Hospital and UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

AB&C won gold (first place) for its work on St Joseph’s Children’s Hospital newspaper strip ad. The agency also earned a silver (second place) award for a full-page Monroe Announcement newspaper ad for UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center

“These awards acknowledge the commitment our clients have to their brands and their trust in our partnership with them,” said John Hawkins, president and CEO of AB&C. “We are proud to work with these clients and share in the success these awards represent.”

The Jersey Awards are hosted annually on behalf of The New Jersey Advertising Club. The 43rd Annual Jersey Awards had more than 500 entries and honored 262 corporations, agencies, designers, and nonprofit groups for their successful work in marketing.

AB&C (www.a-b-c.com) is a 40-year-old full-service marketing communications agency with offices in Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Established in business-to-business and consumer marketing, the agency brings a fresh perspective to local, regional, national and international accounts in a variety of industries.


June 28, 2011

New Additions to the St. Anthony’s Italian Festival Drew Large Crowds

St. Anthony of Padua, patron saint of the parish, flanked by Italian festival pennants

Wilmington, DE – St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church hosted the 37th annual Italian Festival from June 12 to June 19, 2011. The Festival, held on the grounds of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Wilmington, DE, saw a 9 percent increase in attendance compared to 2010, with about 73,000 attendees throughout the week. The festivities began with the 32nd annual St. Anthony’s 5K Run, in which 206 runners participated.

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Your Facebook cheat sheet

Part 1: Your Facebook cheat sheet

Facebook. One out of every 13 people on earth is on it. More than half of all social media traffic in the United States comes from it. It’s no wonder that it has become a component of every good PR strategy.

But unlike traditional media outlets, with their long histories of best practices and protocols to follow, Facebook and other social media outlets change the rules often by the day. The whole process of setting up a page, recruiting fans and interacting with them — not to mention making the whole thing valuable for the client — is new territory for many PR professionals.Read full post...