April 28, 2016

Award-winning Campaign Create Awareness for Obesity in Delaware

Obesity Banner ads

Want to hear something scary for the state of Delaware? Delaware is the third-most-obese state in the country, coming in behind only West Virginia and Mississippi, with 34.4 percent of its population overweight or obese. A comprehensive, systematic review of the evidence by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)—in the report entitled Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective—concluded that obesity is an established risk factor for several cancers.Read full post...

March 30, 2016

Aloysius Butler & Clark Receives 7 ADDY Awards

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The AB&C group celebrating at the ADDYs party.

As a result of our creative work with several valued clients, we were recently honored with seven local American Advertising Awards, widely known as the ADDYs. The competition, hosted earlier in March by the Philly Ad Club, annually attracts thousands of entries from top agencies of the Greater Philadelphia area. Considered the most prestigious awards of the region, the ADDYs inspire some of the industry’s most creative work and honor excellence in advertising. AB&C was awarded two gold and five silver trophies for their work in various mediums, including print, radio, video and full campaign.Read full post...

March 22, 2016
January 26, 2016

Office of Highway Safety Winter Campaign

FB_Post_snowydrivingWinter: It can be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most dangerous—especially on the road. AB&C works with the Delaware Office of Highway Safety (OHS) throughout the year to make drivers and pedestrians aware of the state’s laws along with the dangers of speeding, driving under the influence, distracted driving and the like. However, the holiday seasonRead full post...

November 11, 2015

Aloysius Butler & Clark Receives Five Honors in the 2015 MarCom Awards


From a pool of approximately 6,500 entries, Aloysius Butler & Clark emerged a winner five times in the 2015 MarCom Awards, an annual, international creative competition for marketing and communications professionals. Entries for this year’s competition were submitted from business and communications firms from all 50 U.S. states, Canada and more than 30 other countries. AB&C took two top platinum prizes, two second-place gold prizes and an honorable mention.Read full post...

July 28, 2015

AB&C Public Relations Team Wins State, Then National Press Awards

Educating beach-goers in Dewey about protecting their skin.

Educating beach-goers in Dewey about protecting their skin.

Leah Haugh and Dante LaPenta made some statewide and national PR noise for Aloysius Butler & Clark. The pair won first place awards from the Delaware Press Association and the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW). Let’s see how they made it happen.

Working with the Delaware Division of Public Health, the AB&C public relations team was tasked with spreading the word on spreading sunscreen as well as getting screened for skin cancer. And as the behavior change marketing experts at AB&C know better than most, getting people to even consider a behavior modification (like turning off the tanning bed) is no easy task.Read full post...

February 9, 2015

So Fresh You Wanna Slap It

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Some creative is just fun to show off. Recently we partnered with the good folks at Newark Natural Foods, a healthy foods grocery store, to help them with a rebranding effort. They plan to launch the campaign as they expand to a larger location.We worked on a brand discovery project, updated their logo and produced in-store posters, among other things.Read full post...

February 6, 2015
January 29, 2015
December 19, 2014
October 9, 2014
September 25, 2014

AtlantiCare gets a re-brand

AtlantiCare branding banner

AtlantiCare branding banner

When AtlantiCare originally established their corporate brand, the theme “Taking You Well Into The Future” became the expression that captured the brand experience. Since that time, the organization has grown significantly. It has fulfilled its promise of wellness with many programs and initiatives. But the marketing leaders had questions.Read full post...

July 21, 2014

How Promoted Posts on Facebook increase reach

We recently launched a skin cancer campaign for the state of Delaware that included two testimonials — Samantha’s story about how she lost her 28-year-old husband Brett six months after he was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma, and Terri’s story about the seven surgeries she had on her face after years of indoor and outdoor tanning. We placed both videos on Healthy Delaware’s Facebook page to encourage Delawareans to be sun-smart and get screened for skin cancer.How promoted posts increase reach
Read full post...

June 12, 2014
May 16, 2014

Top-of-mind awareness increases with new campaign

Abington Health, a healthcare system with locations throughout Montgomery and Bucks counties, conducted research showing that consumers and employees had low awareness of the advanced and complex services available throughout the system. After many brainstorming sessions and concept meetings, Abington Health and AB&C found a solution to the problem and the “Power” campaign was born.abingtonRead full post...