The benefits of a strong employment brand

Physicians can easily find a ton of options.

Physicians can easily find a ton of options.

Let’s face it: Physicians looking for a new position can easily find a ton of options. They make a couple of calls, check a couple of websites, and bam — a shiny new career opportunity. The challenge is, how do you get them to select your shiny new career opportunity?

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the benefits of a strong employment brand:Read full post...


Paging Dr. Marcus Welby: why private practice doctors switch to urgent care

“My time was spent fighting insurance companies and doing paperwork instead of caring for patients.”

“My time is spent fighting insurance companies and doing paperwork instead of caring for patients.”

My father was a family medicine doctor for more than 40 years. Running a single-doctor practice, he wore many hats. Not only did he need to be a healthcare expert, he was also a small-business owner, accountant, HR director and IT person—roles he was never trained for. All while facing the challenges of practicing medicine: malpractice insurance costs, low reimbursements, government regulations and the uncertainty of healthcare reform.

So I shouldn’t have been surprised by what I heard from doctors who left private practice to work in urgent care. Read full post...

November 21, 2012

AB&C contributes to major healthcare news site

Maria Stearns, Healthcare Team Director

Maria Stearns, Healthcare Team Director

AB&C has been and will continue to be a regular contributor in 2013 to the Ragan’s Health Care Communication News blog, a daily news website that focuses on healthcare social media, marketing, health communications, pharma and physicians. We’re honored to contribute our client stories and expertise to this go-to online resource for the latest in healthcare. Maria Stearns wrote our current post, Hospital communicators: Nix the jargon, in which she implores marketers to push past the expected hospital descriptors to get to the source of what really differentiates hospitals.

Read full post...


Discovering physicians’ priorities and the best way to reach them

Discovering physicians' priorities

92% of physicians surveyed said they prefer to be alerted to job openings through email.

AB&C recently teamed with MDLinx to conduct a survey of 500 general practitioners, medical specialists and surgical specialists at different stages of their careers. Our research revealed similarities and surprises regarding their professional priorities and the best ways to reach them.

First, “show me the money”—financial rewards—still ranked as their number-one priority, followed by autonomy/independence, respect, reputation, camaraderie and, unexpectedly last, recognition.Read full post...


Finding the right doctor for every age

How do marketers make patients “brand” loyal to their PCP?

The days of doctors making house calls may be making a full circle as the new focus for insurance companies is promoting the importance of the primary care physician. In a world where people change doctors like they change their socks, how do marketers make patients “brand” loyal to their PCP?Read full post...

September 10, 2012

Meet up with us in Philly!

Maria Stearns, Healthcare Team Director

AB&C Healthcare Team Director Maria Stearns and our client Nikki Yeager of MedStar Montgomery Medical Center will be speaking at an IGNITE! session at the annual conference of the Society for Healthcare Marketing and Strategic Development (SHSMD) in Philly this month. Their fast-paced presentation — limited to 10 minutes and 20 slides — will center on landing page best practices and will feature examples of landing pages used in campaigns for MedStar Montgomery Medical Center. Maria and Nikki step up to the dais on Wednesday, Sept. 19, so wish them luck!

For more information about the SHSMD 2012 Annual Conference,
visit the SHSMD conference website.


Who cares about the Breakfast Club?

Don't forget about Gen X when you're planning your next hospital marketing campaign.

What about the Xers? So much of the healthcare marketing we see now is geared towards the Boomers. Boomer this, Boomer that—Boomers even have their own health conditions named for them, like “Boomeritis.”  How old do the members of the Breakfast Club have to be before they become a target audience for your hospital service lines?

Here’s a tip if you are going to start messaging to Generation X, leave the Boomer-speak at the door, a whole other language is required.Read full post...


That “aha” moment

"Perception is Reality" was this year's theme for the PRSSA National Conference.

You know that “aha!” moment? You’re brushing your teeth when a great new pitch idea suddenly pops into your brain, or luxuriating in a bubble bath when the perfect event is fully realized in your mind. Imagine how it would feel if these sparks of genius lasted two hours: complete euphoria. Mind-blowing. Life-changing. Welcome to the PRSSA National Conference 2011.Read full post...

Is it time to bust some new moves in hospital advertising?

It can be scary to bust some new moves.

In all communications with consumers, whether it’s online, in print or over the airwaves, it’s easy to forget that we’re just talking to people. Usually that’s because there’s a laundry list of information that “needs” to go into each ad. In fact, in healthcare advertising there’s a well-known dance:

Step 1: Mention skilled doctors, latest technology and dedicated staff.

Step 2: Throw in a patient testimonial.

Step 3: Always tell people about your awards (even if they have no idea what you’re talking about).

Step 4: Grab a partner (preferably a celebrity).Read full post...

Unexpected. Relatable. Unforgettable.

Making Hospital Commercials Memorable

What commercials stick out the most in your memory? Maybe it’s “Keep your hands off my Doritos!” Maybe it’s the Geico cavemen spots. What makes them memorable? That’s easy — they’re funny.

Now, when’s the last time you told a friend, “Oh, man, you should see this hospital commercial!” Exactly. Healthcare-related ads are typically very subdued: a panoramic view of a hospital floor, smiling doctors and nurses, high-tech equipment, etc. A soothing voice assures you that, as a patient, you’ll receive the best care possible. Ho-hum.

Is there another way to get that message across?Read full post...