Ice Ice Baby! ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taken social media by storm! We have witnessed friends, family, celebrities and organizations from across the nation dumping buckets of freezing-cold ice water on their heads! Our very own PR team grabbed their buckets, donated to the cause and called out the Creative department and our Philly office.

No, this challenge is not just for our personal enjoyment, but to raise money for and awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” Read full post...


Hey, it’s just advertising. Nobody dies, right?

This reassuring advice was offered early in my career, as I sweated over every word of a telephone-banking ad. Fast-forward to Aloysius Butler & Clark. Since joining the agency, I’ve transitioned from a purely b2b writer to also being involved in healthcare and life science accounts.

SYSMEX hematology analyzer ad

SYSMEX hematology analyzer ad

I’ve gone from promoting electronics, trucks, doors, chemicals and building products to writing my first six-page insert for transcatheter aortic valve replacement — a procedure that surgeons performed, mind you, on an 87-year-old woman while her heart was still beating! Along the way, I’ve also worked on endoprostheses (devices that seal off abdominal aneurysms before they burst), hematology analyzers that spot blood conditions before they become life-threatening, and more.Read full post...

June 18, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark Earns Four Web Health Awards

Web Health Awards

Web Health Awards

PHILADELPHIA, PA — AB&C, a full-service marketing communications agency, earned gold, silver and bronze at the Health Information Resource Center’s 16th annual Web Health Awards. AB&C’s website for Westside Family Healthcare’s Celebrate 25 Years campaign won the gold award. The Delaware Office of Highway Safety’s DUI prevention campaign and the American Nurses Association’s NDNQI® site both earned silver awards. Finally, bronze was awarded for the agency’s own website,, which enables health systems and hospitals to calculate revenue lost through unfilled physician positions.

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April 7, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark healthcare PR case studies


Download a PDF of this info-graphic.

Senior Emergency Department and End-of-Life

AB&C developed and executed a public relations campaign to raise awareness of St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center’s specialized Senior Emergency Department and end-of-life services. Over an 18-month period, local and national media covered this campaign, which included a series of media relations pieces, media tours and proactive outreach. ABC-healthcarePR-blog-stjoesRead full post...

March 4, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark wins seven Telly Awards

WILMINGTON, DE — Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications agency, and four of its clients won a combined seven awards at the 35th annual Telly Awards. With silver as the highest award given, the agency took home seven total awards: one silver and one bronze with Delaware Office of Highway Safety; one silver and one bronze with Delaware Division of Public Health; one silver for its Choose Health Delaware campaign; and two bronzes with MedStar Health — the largest healthcare provider in the Maryland/D.C. region.Read full post...

It’s a brave new world for healthcare.

Have a clear plan in place for the changes your staff will go through over the next few years.

Have a clear plan in place for the changes your staff will go through over the next few years.

Welcome to the wildest of times in the history of American healthcare. Consumers, physicians and advanced practitioners, administrators, insurers, and government bureaucrats are caught up in a systematic change that’s as manageable as a tornado in a mailbox. Since 2010, we’ve all been loosely aware of the guidelines of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare,” if you prefer). But today — only a couple months from full adoption — uncertainty and fear loom large. All parties are scrambling to make sense of this monumental change, let alone predict how it will affect their daily operations.

Here’s a clue: Unprepared health systems and hospitals throughout the country are facing mass layoffs or, worse, closing. Some even project that one-third of hospitals in America will close or completely reorganize by 2020. Healthcare is rapidly becoming the newest commodity in an open competitive market, and healthcare employers with brand names will prevail.Read full post...


Being there: improving recruitment efforts through search engine marketing

A guy spills coffee on himself on the way to a job that has been slowly grating on his psyche, and boom — he starts looking for a new position.

A guy spills coffee on himself on the way to a job that has been slowly grating on his psyche, and boom — he starts looking for a new position.

When I tell people I’m in recruitment marketing, they ask, “So you recruit doctors?” Or they nod knowingly, assuming I’m in traditional marketing. The words “recruitment” and “marketing” together have that effect. People find the concept challenging.

Unlike most of our colleagues on the services or B2B side, we work in a fickle climate. Job changes can be instantaneous or carefully thought out. A guy spills coffee on himself on the way to a job that has been slowly grating on his psyche, and boom — he starts looking for a new position. Or an employee gradually realizes she wants to be closer to her family and moves back to her home state. That’s why it’s so important to have the right message at the right time in the right place. That’s where search engine marketing (SEM) comes into play.

SEM allows your opportunity to appear through relevant searches and even on relevant content pages. If you’re not using SEM in Read full post...


And we wonder why there is a physician shortage?

23 percent plan to leave medicine or are at least considering doing so.

23 percent plan to leave medicine or are at least considering doing so.

In August, I’m headed to sunny Tucson, AZ, for the annual Association of Physician Recruiters (ASPR) Conference. Along with my friend and colleague Emerson Moses of One Medical Group, I’ll present on how technology is changing recruitment. Thanks to our partnership with, we’ll have great data from our 2013 market research survey on physicians and how they seek employment.

We’ll take an in-depth look at our research study details during our August 13 presentation, but here are some other fascinating statistics to hold you over until then (cardiologist turnover rates are really high!).

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March 14, 2013

Aloysius Butler & Clark wins gold and silver at 2013 ADDY Awards


Wilmington, DE – AB&C, a full-service marketing communications firm, took home gold and silver at the 2013 ADDY Awards in Philadelphia. With more than 600 of the region’s top creative professionals on hand, the agency won gold in the public service “non-traditional advertising” category for its My7Minutes unicorn t-shirt. My7Minutes is a youth tobacco prevention campaign conducted for the Delaware Department of Public Health. In the category “fractional page newspaper advertising in color,” the agency hoisted a silver ADDY for its MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital Gilligan colonoscopy print ad.Read full post...

What do football teams and hospitals have in common? More than you think.

Think about your physician leaders as your hospital’s quarterback.

Like most American men, I’m a huge football fan. Specifically, my allegiance is to the Philadelphia Eagles (you can now officially feel sorry for me). This year has been rough, as we’ve seen draft picks underperform, free agents take large contracts and contribute very little and, after all was said and done, our coach get fired and shown the door. This got me thinking: Hospitals and health systems are not that different than a professional football team. Let me explain how.Read full post...


A social media reporting battle plan

A mix ’n’ match approach allows you to mimic costly reporting tools, stay on budget and still find meaningful data.

At some point, your boss or client has probably asked for a social media report. Unfortunately, there is no quick way to create one. Like many other communications efforts, the evaluation stage is the first to fall victim to the mortal enemies of a PR team—tight deadlines and even tighter budgets. In an ideal world, you would always assess your progress. Regrettably, the demands of managing hospital communications usually spell sayonara to any thoughts of reporting.

But don’t let dwindling hours and a tiny budget stop you. With a little self-coaching and practice, you can craft social media reports for your hospital or service line without using up all your time or allowance.

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Does your recruiting message stand out in a crowd?

Does your message stand out?

To win over top physician candidates, you have to stay ahead of the pack. Sounds simple enough. But before you begin your recruitment push, make sure you’ve got the goods to attract them — and not just great pay and benefits.

Is your organization a model of medical efficiency and quality patient care? If so, is it due to decision-making from above?

Or are physicians taking the lead?Read full post...