May 8, 2014

Philly Businesses Enter “Lightning in a Bottle” to Win Free Year of Marketing



PHILADELPHIA, PA — The Lightning in a Bottle Competition is gaining momentum in Philadelphia. The competition is searching the city for businesses that can help Philly grow, and offering a free year of marketing services to the winner. Current entries reflect a wide spectrum of industries. Businesses with a viable product, an innovative way to create new jobs, a service to benefit residents, or similar ideas, can enter at

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May 7, 2014

Alright, alright, alright!!

The healthcare team here at AB&C is feeling like Matthew McConaughey when he accepted his best actor awards this year. While we didn’t win an Oscar or a Golden Globe, we (and our client partners) did win the prestigious Best in Show at the 31st Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards and a Judge’s Choice award at the 2014 Aster Awards. In addition to these amazing honors, we also nabbed eight gold, three silver and two bronze Healthcare Advertising Awards, and six gold and four silver Aster Awards.Read full post...

May 7, 2014

Fighting cancer online

Half of all cancers can be prevented. People can start by learning what they can do to stay healthy. Aloysius Butler & Clark — working with the Delaware Division of Public Health (Cancer Division) and the Delaware Cancer Consortium—developed a website called Healthy Delaware to help Delawareans test for and prevent cancer.

Visitors answer a series of questions to determine their cancer risk level. They can also sign up for cancer screenings and related programs on the site.

See website

Healthy Delaware website

Healthy Delaware website

The word is out: Diversity is in.

Big brands have woken up to the realization … that young Americans across the board value diversity.

Big brands have woken up to the realization … that young Americans across the board value diversity.

To steal a line from one of the best songs ever written, it’s been a long time coming — but a change has finally come to advertising. While the country generally has grown more socially liberal, advertising has lagged behind. According to a recent Ad Age article, advertising has proved to be the last frontier when it comes to reflecting societal changes. Let’s face it — pop culture typically sets the trends; advertisers follow. Why are we afraid to take a risk? It’s pretty simple — no one wants to hear negative feedback about a campaign. Speaking to where the public already is rather than leading them in a different direction has been the norm.

Until recently, that is.Read full post...


Agency life: a trip to Longwood Gardens

Touch of SpringJust like work happy hours, work outings are a great way to connect with your coworkers and create a friendlier working environment. And in the middle of a brutal winter, Aloysius Butler & Clark knew how to bring a little sunshine and color: with a work outing.

When I walked into work on a chilly February day, I was greeted with a unique save-the-date. It read, “Join us for a Touch of Spring. More details to follow.”Read full post...

Capturing the market on a single screen

Using one screen, advertisers will have to conjure a fully immersive visual, virtual and social experience for consumers.

Using one screen, advertisers will have to conjure a fully immersive visual, virtual and social experience for consumers.

Advertising optimism is on the rise again, and for good reason. Industry segments are hiring again, advertisers and their agencies are regaining budgets, consumer confidence is growing, and the mass adoption of advanced television and entertainment consoles may very well yield the next great surge of creative advertising and media marketing.

We’re heading into uncharted territory, where new mediums will finally marry the benefits of web and broadcast television advertising and revolutionize the kind of creative content we can provide for our clients. This new generation of technology, such as Smart TVs and next-generation gaming/entertainment consoles, should signal a golden age for marketers — particularly strategic- and creative-focused agencies such as ours.Read full post...


Branding Strong

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

I’m writing this blog post on Monday, April 21 — Boston Marathon Monday. Last year, the marathon was held on my birthday. As a runner who couldn’t be there, I took that as a kind of consolation prize. But that particular birthday — April 15, 2013 — will be etched in my heart and mind for years to come. I watched the news clips in horror as the oldest and most prestigious marathon in the country was turned into chaos. Three innocent people were killed; several more suffered life-altering injuries. We were all scarred in some way by the events of that day.

But Americans are resilient. We rallied. We showed solidarity with the city of Boston. And we created a brand. Actually, two seniors at Emerson College — who wanted to do something to help — say they came up with the phrase “Boston Strong” within hours of the attacks, creating a simple blue-and-yellow T-shirt with the two words. They started selling the shirts for $20, with $15 going to charity.  Read full post...

April 23, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark Achieves Google Partner Status

WILMINGTON, DE — Aloysius Butler & Clark, with offices in Wilmington, DE, Philadelphia, and Bloomsburg, PA, is now a Google Partner. Achieving Google Partner status required the agency to pass certification in AdWords, demonstrate mastery of Google’s certification exams and show an “active and healthy” book of business.

Google Partner Badge

Google Partner Badge

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Agile marketing — latest fad or the future? — Part 2

Now that we’ve gone over some basics in Part 1, let’s look at how the Agile methodology can work in your agency.

T-Shaped People

Assemble your team of T-shaped people.

As with any project, your team members are your most important assets. Agile doesn’t call for the smartest, fastest or most specialized team members available. Instead, it works best with T-shaped people. I know what you’re thinking: Great, let’s add another piece of jargon to the mix! An uppercase T has two parts: the horizontal top bar and the vertical stem. The top bar represents a broad range of skills from left to right, and the stem represents the depth of knowledge in a specific skill. T-shaped people — those who specialize in a specific skill but have a broad range of knowledge across multiple disciplines — understand how all of the different skills work together to ensure the project is compatible across all specialties.Read full post...

April 7, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark healthcare PR case studies


Download a PDF of this info-graphic.

Senior Emergency Department and End-of-Life

AB&C developed and executed a public relations campaign to raise awareness of St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center’s specialized Senior Emergency Department and end-of-life services. Over an 18-month period, local and national media covered this campaign, which included a series of media relations pieces, media tours and proactive outreach. ABC-healthcarePR-blog-stjoesRead full post...


Write clearly. Please.

Despite its extinction, the diplodocus prefers the active voice.

Despite its extinction, the diplodocus prefers the active voice.

We write stuff to give information or opinions or feelings or whatever to someone else. We need that someone to understand what we’re putting out. So it’s important to be clear.Read full post...

April 1, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark Launches “Lightning in a Bottle” Competition


Philadelphia, PA — Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications firm, wants to identify the next great business idea originating from a Philadelphia-based company. The agency’s “Lightning in a Bottle” competition seeks entries from companies located within the city limits that have a game-changing product or service ready to go to market.

Entries will be accepted from April 14 to May 19 online at A blue-ribbon panel of judges representing business, academia, and government will evaluate the submissions. In addition, the public can vote for their favorite entrants via the website.Read full post...


Do I really need a blog?

Typing on Computer 1

HubSpot: Companies that blog 15 or more times per month get 5X more traffic than companies that don’t blog at all.

The short answer is yes. According to a recent article in Social Media Today:

  • 81% of U.S. consumers trust advice and information from blogs.
  • Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads.
  • 61% of U.S. consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post.

So how do you write a good one?Read full post...

March 27, 2014

Gold and Silver at the ADDYs for Aloysius Butler & Clark

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications agency, came home with gold and silver from the 2014 ADDY Awards. The agency won gold in the “Campaign — Single Medium Campaign” category for its Choose Health Delaware videos. The silver came courtesy of AB&C’s Agency Match Game in the “Creative Services and Industry Suppliers — Digital” category.Read full post...


Baby branding

Baby naming is a competitive endeavor.

Baby naming is a competitive endeavor.

My wife and I are expecting our third child in about a month and the pressure is on to pick a name for “baby girl.” When we tell people we don’t have a name yet, some of them think we’re just trying to keep it a secret so no one else picks the name. If you’ve looked for inspiration or ideas for baby names recently, you’ve no doubt realized that a full-blown industry has grown up around the subject. There are baby name consultants, dozens of websites and the official records kept by the Social Security office.

The top three boy names in the United States are:Read full post...