Hot free sexy xxx content

Your best bet for hot free sexy xxx content.

Your best bet for hot free sexy xxx content.

Gotcha! I know why you’re here. Pervert. Let me be straight with you: There isn’t any hot free XXX content here. So if that was what you were looking for, the browser back button is located in the upper left-hand corner of this window.

Now that we’ve lost 90% of the visitors to this page, I can continue with my actual subject — crafting content for your website and why you should be upfront and real with your audience. Doing this will help you build trust, and trust is key.

I bet the people who came here for porn were pretty upset to be lied to. (I know I would be. But then again, my online exploits are between me and the NSA.)

“So,” you ponder, “being honest and building trust with my audience — how do I accomplish this?”

I’m glad you asked.Read full post...


New emerging demographic: Post-Millennials

For years we’ve been studying Millennials. We know their mindset, values and technographics. We know where to find them online and offline. We know the best ways marketing can gain their brand loyalty and how to entice them to become advocates for our brands.

Except, most Millennials are now 18 to 34 years old. Millennials are aging, and so is the way we market to them. A new marketing demographic is emerging: Post-Millennials.

Take a look at these facts from The Beloit Mindset List of the Class of 2017:

  • Eminem and LL Cool J could show up at parents’ weekend.
  • As they started to crawl, so did the news across the bottom of the television screen.
  • Their parents have always bemoaned the passing of precocious little Calvin and sarcastic stuffy Hobbes.
  • As they slept safely in their cribs, the Oklahoma City bomber and the Unabomber were doing their deadly work.
  • Their parents’ car CD player is soooooo ancient and embarrassing.
  • Bill Maher has always been politically incorrect.

As Post-Millennials emerge as the next big demographic, so do the online platforms we can find them on. Here are a few to keep on your radar.Read full post...

Oh, the humanity!

Bottom line: I feel better about the Walgreens brand based simply on this seemingly minor customer service tweak.

Bottom line: I feel better about the Walgreens brand based simply on this seemingly minor customer service tweak.

I’m about to place a national brand in a positive light. But in the interest of full disclosure, our agency has not, and never has had, any relationship with this brand. In other words, we have nothing to gain by pumping up this brand within the hallowed halls of the AB&C blog-a-teria. So now that we have that straight, let the games begin!

The other night, I visited my local Walgreen’s pharmacy. I bought two greeting cards and a gallon of 2% milk. As the clerk handed me my receipt she said, “Thanks — and be well.” On my way out I thought, “Did she just say ‘be well’?” Suddenly, a warm, life-affirming feeling washed over me — just as it does when those cute little yorkies scamper across the floor at the Westminster dog show. What happened to the standard “Have a nice day,” I thought. Or even the beloved “Take ‘er easy”?Read full post...


People will complain about privacy even as they don their Google glasses and other wearable computers.

People will complain about privacy even as they don their Google glasses and other wearable computers.

It’s January, and everyone’s fancy turns to predicting the future. Okay, maybe not everyone’s, but that’s what you’ll hear a lot about this time of year. December is for looking backwards and January is the forward-looking month.

JWT, a division WPP Group (formerly known as J. Walter Thompson), always makes predictions about marketing communications in the new year.

This year, JWT writes that people have been motivated by what’s called FOMO (fear of missing out). And it has been one of the main drivers (besides convenience) in our adoption of communications technology. We have also given up a great deal of privacy in exchange for always being in the know. It’s not that we wanted to give it up; it was just part of the bargain. JWT thinks this is the year we the consumers will take some of our privacy back. It’s what tech blogger Anil Dash calls JOMO (joy of missing out).Read full post...


The Super Bowl spot that changed the world

Happy 30th birthday, Mac.

Happy 30th birthday, Mac.

I had the TV on Sunday morning as I sat down to write about an Advertising Age article claiming that 80% of Super Bowl ads flop. In the background I hear Charles Osgood, host of CBS Sunday Morning, mention that this week marks the 30th anniversary of Apple’s famous “1984” Super Bowl commercial. A commercial that ran only one time, mind you. That is the antithesis of a Super Bowl ad flop. Thirty years later and people are still talking about it. Amazing. Do you think that in 2043 people will be marking the anniversary of the Go Daddy commercial in which supermodel Bar Refaeli makes out with the nerdy Walter? Not very likely.

The one-minute commercial — directed by noted director Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator) — was made for a then-unheard-of production budget of $900,000. It went on to garner millions of dollars worth of free publicity, as news programs rebroadcast it that night. It was quickly hailed by many in the advertising industry as a masterwork. Advertising Age named it the 1980s “Commercial of the Decade,” and it continues to rank high on lists of the most influential commercials of all time. “1984” was never ever broadcast again, adding to its mystique.Read full post...

Could no PR equal good PR?

I don't think you're ready for this.

I don’t think you’re ready for this.

Just when it seems as though the world could not be more obsessed with Beyoncé, the singer has found a way to prove us wrong. On December 13, Queen B shocked the world with the unexpected release of her self-titled “visual album.” When the 14-track, 17-video album suddenly dropped on iTunes at midnight, social media exploded. After dismissing my snooze alarm for the third time, I rolled over and grabbed my phone, only to find my Twitter feed flooded with news of the surprise album. When I turned on “Good Morning America,” the biggest story was, of course, Beyoncé. In the days to come, it seemed as though the entire world was captivated by her surprise.

It’s no secret Beyoncé and husband Jay-Z like to avoid the limelight, but the fact that she kept this album secret is shocking. As a public relations student (and Beyoncé lover), it makes me wonder: Did she want nothing to do with the PR strategies of releasing an album? Was the lack of PR actually a strategy in itself?Read full post...

January 20, 2014

Doing a knock-out job online


Star® Roses & Plants gained fame by introducing the world to the best-selling Knock Out® Family of Roses and Drift® Roses. The company asked AB&C for help engaging customers and other consumers online with relevant content throughout the growing season. This year’s successes included drawing more than 12,000 visitors to the brand’s blog and increasing Facebooklikes by 315%. Working together with Star Roses, we helped launch @PlantAStar and Pinterest.


January 20, 2014

Buckling down on buckling up

Click it or ticket outdoor print ad

Click it or ticket outdoor print ad

The state of Delaware has seen a marked increase in seat belt usage during the past year. In fact, the use of seat belts statewide rose from 88% in 2012 to 92% this year. A Delaware Office of Highway Safety campaign developed by AB&C has helped move the state closer to its goal of having everyone in every vehicle — motorists and passengers alike — wear seat belts. Campaign messages were featured on TV, radio, billboards, online, and as part of live events.

Read full post...

Tell me a story: Shaking up what’s interesting in your numbers

Working in the media department, I’ve been learning how to put together digital media reports. And I’ve learned that, while there is great power in facts and figures, a well-told story can move mountains. Numbers are forgotten over time. To engage our clients, we need to shape those numbers into stories.

In our reporting, we use colorful charts to tell a story about impact and growth. For example, in the stacked bar chart below, we show how social media and paid media affect overall website traffic. By breaking out the different traffic drivers, we show month-over-month increases and decreases in site traffic, as well as the dramatic consequences of pulling media campaigns in November.

How social and paid media affect overall website traffic

Using bright colors and simple shapes makes the data visually appealing and helps the audience understand the insights behind the numbers.

Know your audience. If your clients are familiar with analytics, you may want to tell your story with more emphasis on certain data to help them make more informed decisions, decide their next steps and see the bigger picture.Read full post...


Is “adult creep” making social media better for technology companies?

Unless you’ve been tucked away in an alternate dimension for the past decade or so, you know about social media. But are you aware of a social media phenomenon I’ve come to think of as adult creep?

Working adults are creeping into the more popular social media platforms.

Working adults are creeping into the more popular social media platforms.

Social media was originated and initially populated mostly by young people looking for a way to connect with each other, independent of distance and time. Lately, though, we working adults have started creeping into the more popular social media platforms at an increasing rate. And now that mom and dad may be peeking over their social-media shoulders, our younger counterparts are fleeing the established sites in droves, seeking a more congenial (read, less adult-populated) environment.

Adult creep has certainly increased the concentration of working adults plying social media sites. But does that mean business-to-business companies, particularly technology companies, can finally benefit from social media programs similar to the ones consumer-product marketers have found so enticing? Maybe. But tread carefully — it won’t be easy.Read full post...

January 13, 2014

Polishing off the silver

Recently, AB&C created promotional materials for AtlantiCare Physician Group’s Urgent Care Center. Both the print and banner ads from the campaign won Silver awards at the JASPERs, a New Jersey – based advertising awards competition. We congratulate AtlantiCare on this most recent win!Read full post...

January 13, 2014

Stories from the heart

Who better to tell the story of a hospital’s lifesaving heart services than patients who benefited from them? To promote the alliance between MedStar Heart Institute and world-renowned Cleveland Clinic Heart & Vascular Institute, Aloysius Butler & Clark developed an ad campaign featuring retired Navy Admiral Tim Heely and event planner Pat Chisley. Both had suffered traumatic cardiac events, and both attributed their survival to MedStar Heart Institute. They tell their compelling stories in TV, radio and print ads, as well as online. The goal of the campaign is to direct consumers to the new MedStar Heart Institute landing page to learn more about the cardiac care team and the services it offers.Read full post...

January 7, 2014

Aloysius Butler & Clark takes home three JASPER Awards

WILMINGTON, DE — Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications agency, won three times at the JASPERs, taking home awards in traditional and digital advertising. The agency’s banner ad for AtlantiCare’s Urgent Care Center won silver in Digital/Interactive Media: Consumer Digital Ad or Digital Campaign. AB&C and AtlantiCare also won silver in the Print Material: Magazine category. And in the Advertising: Billboards & Signs category, the agency’s “Stellar Checking” billboards for Susquehanna Bank won silver.

“AtlantiCare and Susquehanna Bank are both outstanding clients to work with,” says John Hawkins, president and CEO at AB&C. “When the relationship between agency and client is strong, the creative really benefits. These award-winning pieces are proof.”Read full post...


Bench that benchmark—and target your marketing campaign results!

Bench the benchmark, set a target.

Bench the benchmark, set a target.

Last June, Bank of America’s Small Business Community asked me about setting benchmarks for digital campaigns. There’s no denying benchmarks have a lot of value. We use them to see how our campaigns perform based on the industry standard. Having a hard and fast number definitely draws the line in the sand between what is considered “good performance” and “bad performance.”

But a benchmark is just a number. As much as we want to match our number to someone else’s number, and label it “good” or “bad,” a benchmark can only tell a small part of the story.

Digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all discipline. One percentage number is not going to determine if the campaign passes or fails. What if we drive only a small number of visitors to our site, but they are extremely engaged, spending ten minutes viewing multiple pages of content? What if those few visitors become ten strong leads or convert into hundreds of purchases?Read full post...


Distribution takes a seat on the throne

Content has reigned supreme for decades, but now distribution is assuming the throne (or at least sharing it).

Content has reigned supreme for decades, but now distribution is assuming the throne (or at least sharing it).

If you’re a marketer or small-business owner, you should be creating high-quality content that gets shared and ranks high in search engines. But with more than 750 million websites competing for people’s attention, how can you make sure your online audience is receiving your message?

The answer is effective distribution.

Most of us have heard that “content is king.” And it’s true — no one is going to read your message if it’s not intriguing. According to Chad Pollitt, director of marketing at DigitialRelevance, great content goes unread everyday, and tweeting or posting it on Facebook isn’t going to cut it. In this day and age, you need to create a distribution strategy to connect your content to a larger audience.

Here’s how to get started:Read full post...