A Classy Response to a Classless Tweet

A baseball player from Bloomsburg University tweeted a shocking and unforgivable comment. The tweet was about Mo’ne Davis, the amazing young athlete who became an instant sensation during last year’s Little League World Series. In case you missed it:


If you didn’t know, one of our Aloysius Butler & Clark offices is located in Bloomsburg, PA. Read full post...

March 18, 2015

Aloysius Butler & Clark Receives Video Honors

The DUI D-Word campaign from the Delaware Office of Highway Safety

The DUI D-Word campaign from the Delaware Office of Highway Safety

WILMINGTON, DE—Aloysius Butler & Clark, a full-service marketing communications agency, earned video accolades at the 2015 Telly Awards. With silver as the highest award given, AB&C won three bronze honors. The first two came in the category “Online Video—Online Webisodes, Segments, or Promotional Pieces—Health and Wellness.” AB&C won for MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s deep brain stimulation campaign and Delaware Division of Public Health Comprehensive Cancer Control Program’s Healthy Delaware skin cancer testimonial videos. Additionally, in the public service category, AB&C and the Delaware Office of Highway Safety won bronze for the DUI D-Word campaign.Read full post...

A Prescription for Strong Client/Agency Relationships

Advice for a strong client/agency relationshipWhether you’re the old pro bringing in a new client or you’re the newbie at your agency, you quickly realize how important relationships are. How do you build trust quickly? And how do you sustain and strengthen the client/agency relationship? Who better to ask than AB&C’s CEO John Hawkins and Director of Client Services Mike Gallagher? John and Mike have been working in the wonderful world of advertising for more than 60 years combined. Together they prescribed four simple steps to build strong, long-lasting client relationships:Read full post...

How Emails Can Ruin Your Chance to Get Leads

Bad emails can ruin your nurturing strategy!

Bad emails can ruin your nurturing strategy!

Earlier this week I received the following email, and because of their confidentiality notice I’m just going to paste the copy:

Subject: Additional Sales Leads


Are you currently in need of help in generating leads or appointments for your business? We can help you through our Multichannel Marketing Solutions.

I’d be happy to talk to you and discuss our program. Please let me know the best way for us to connect. Read full post...

February 9, 2015

So Fresh You Wanna Slap It

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Some creative is just fun to show off. Recently we partnered with the good folks at Newark Natural Foods, a healthy foods grocery store, to help them with a rebranding effort. They plan to launch the campaign as they expand to a larger location.We worked on a brand discovery project, updated their logo and produced in-store posters, among other things.Read full post...

February 6, 2015

Does my Hospital Need a Blog?

Healthcare Organizations should blog too

72% of Internet users look for health information online – is there information you could be offering them?

The short answer is yes. According to an article in Social Media Today:

  • 72% of Internet users look for health information online.
  • 77% of Internet users read blogs.
  • 81% of U.S. consumers trust advice and information from blogs.
  • Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links.

OK, you say, this makes sense for a larger B2C brand. But what does it mean to me and my hospital? Read full post...


Find Your Unused Content and Share It

Think about all the untold stories, all of the unshared expertise, experience, and knowledge.

Think about all the untold stories, all of the unshared expertise, experience, and knowledge.

Remember summer reading lists? If you were like me, you procrastinated until late August then hustled through all of the books — barely finishing before the first day of school or even later (don’t tell Mrs. Holden). But there was one summer reading book that I couldn’t put down — To Kill a Mockingbird. I assumed I’d never hear from Scout and Jem Finch again. But hold on, Maycomb. Harper Lee is publishing a “sequel” called Go Set a Watchman, which chronicles Scout’s life as as an adult.

This story of rediscovery is incredible. Here are the Cliff Notes:Read full post...


What is Inbound and Why Do You Need It?

InboundblogInbound or content marketing is nothing new. As marketers, we’ve been creating content — e-books, white papers, webinars, infographics, blogs — for years. What’s new is using inbound to build business. Here’s how: We create content that potential buyers want and need, optimize the website, build trust with the prospect through personalized lead nurturing, and eventually turn that prospect into a customer.

And we do all of this in real time, while we track what’s working and what isn’t, enabling us to show the ROI of marketing. Statistics tell us inbound methods cost 62% less than outbound methods, and generate three times more leads. Those are some pretty awesome numbers.Read full post...

January 29, 2015
January 27, 2015

Tara Moore of Aloysius Butler & Clark Earns Diversity Certification

Tara Moore receives her post graduate certification in Diversity Studies

Tara Moore received her post graduate certification in Diversity Studies.

BLOOMSBURG, PA—Tara Moore of Aloysius Butler & Clark has added “diversity specialist” to her qualifications. The account executive recently earned a post-graduate certificate in diversity studies with an emphasis on workplace and healthcare diversity. This certification comes in addition to a master’s degree in human relations.Read full post...

Diversity and Inclusion: Why It’s Important for your Organization

Diversity and inclusion: why it’s important for your organization

Tara Moore received her postgraduate certification in diversity studies.

It’s no secret why organizations that focus on having a diverse workplace solve problems with a unique perspective and develop cultural competencies that help them with their bottom line. Diversity and inclusion messaging targeted at specific groups is being seen more and more in advertising and employee recruitment messaging.

Our own Tara Moore realizes how important it is to offer expertise in this area. With a master’s in human relations and postgraduate certification in diversity studies, she’s our go-to when it comes to the benefits of a diversity and inclusion strategy.Read full post...

January 20, 2015

Aloysius Butler & Clark to Perform Brand Audit for The Healey Education Foundation

WILMINGTON, DE—Aloysius Butler & Clark and The Healey Education Foundation will explore all aspects of Healey’s brand, including its graphics, messaging, tagline, marketing materials and website. With the Foundation’s evolution and expansion into new markets, Healey—known previously as The Catholic School Development Program—wants to ensure complete clarity of its mission.Read full post...